11:11 MEDIA, founded by 4-time Gold Award-winning author, Simran Singh, is devoted to the journey of the soul.
11:11 Magazine and 11:11 Talk Radio are resources for empowerment, life enhancement and truth. 11:11 Magazine is now evolving into a multimedia expression that can be accessed as written, audio or integrative course curriculum to provide access to mentoring in ways that any person chooses to engage. This conscious living series combines daily practices with insight, inquiry and experience.
"I invite you to explore all that is offered, to connect with me on social media for daily nuggets of wisdom, and to engage in a conscious daily practice of diving more deeply into your heart and soul. Your presence is enough." -SIMRAN
11:11 Talk Radio airs LIVE every Tuesday at 11 AM ET / 8 AM PT and are archived; and have been since premiering in 2009. These are timeless shows that share health, wellness, spirituality, science and consciousness. Fill up and Enjoy!
11:11 Magazine
11:11 Magazine, the Nautilus Gold-award winning publication was founded January 2008. This free digital publication is created to provide inspiration, guidance and support while also celebrating many hearts and voices that express the gifts of light, love, creativity and higher consciousness.As of April 2021, 11:11 Magazine now offers frequent release to offer exposure to many people and resources during this powerful time of awakening. Be 'devoted to the journey of your soul.'
11:11 Talk Radio
11:11 Talk Radio began in 2009, creating conversations around consciousness, empowerment, wellness and personal growth that broadened minds and opened hearts. As a #1 rated talk show host, Simran engages leading change agents, best-selling authors, artists and scientists in weekly dialogues of spirituality, meta-physics, science and psychology to enhance daily life and global issues. 11:11 Talk Radio airs LIVE on Tuesdays at 11 AM ET / 8 AM PT, and is archived.
Personal & Spiritual Courses
11:11 Online Course MasterMind Portal is a playground of personal growth, self awareness, empowerment and holistic wellness created by Simran, founder of 11:11 Media. Content rich, integrative programs are based on her example of valuable experience and expression for those seeking personal growth, spiritual empowerment and self-improvement. Go at your own pace… utilizing pockets of time to become more authentic, integrated and heightened in vibration, frequency, and awareness. These programs are integrative deep dives into life, mind, body, heart and soul. These are not simply teachings, this is partnership, mentorship, friendship and soul guidance.
Self- Realization Soul Trilogy
Your life is comprised of cycles and rhythms. These begin from the moment you are born; weaving their way through each stage of life. Your true purpose is to unwind what became too tightly wound. There is a set of Living blessings that are assisting your return to heart-centered knowing. These 7 blessings correlate with 7 illusions that you have bought into, and must disentangle yourself from. You will do this by also embracing the 7 correlating human graces. Through this powerful soul trilogy, you can decondition what was conditioned into you; in order to claim greater aliveness, freedom joy and peace. This series is designed to bring you into greater presence.

The 11:11 Symbol
11:11 signifies a wake-up call to witness your life and become more conscious of your choices, thoughts, feelings and actions. This pre-encoded trigger within your cellular structure symbolizes the four pillars of healing that encompass your personal responsibility in choices for conscious living: Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. An energetic gateway for self-realization, 11:11 is a bridge to the expression of aliveness and experience of oneness. It is a pathway into the neutral unknown, beyond the illusion. 11:11 is a doorway into an entirely different spiral of involution. You are not being led anywhere, to follow anyone or into anything. You are returning to center… inward… home… to the One True Self.
The logo of 11:11 Media is composed of four sacred geometric circles that create unification or oneness. They consist of Energy, Growth, Truth and Wisdom. In unification, theses sacred forms signify the reconciliation of all things in remembrance of the One True Self.





Host of 11:11 Talk Radio and publisher of 11:11 Magazine. SIMRAN is a multiple gold award-winning author, artist, speaker and mystic of love, compassion and humanity. She creates books, online courses, digital and audio media to assist in bridging humanity’s experience and expression of darkness and light. As the 11:11 Lady, a Love Catalyst and Rebel Humanitarian, SIMRAN advocates for the Visionary and Mystic within, so that greater balance, neutrality, compassion and peace arise in our inner and outer worlds.
SIMRAN is a Ted speaker and created an 11-month One-Woman Show, The Rebel Road… Connecting the Dots from What Was to What Is, that spanned 66 cities across North America. She has appeared on GAIAM TV, One Word Puja Network, CCN, and The New Thought Channel; and also as keynote speaker at The World Congress, United Nations, universities, spiritual centers and venues across North America. She has been featured on the covers of Science of Mind Magazine, Jolie Magazine, and The Owl.

Orator & Teacher
SIMRAN is a heart-centered speaker who has the ability to help people see life, the world and themselves in new ways. From 'Practical Spirituality' to 'Embracing Humanity'... 'Self Care, Self Love, and Self Realization'... to 'Signs, Synchronicity and Symbols ... SIMRAN enamors audiences, leaves them thinking, and inspires them to aspire to greater expressions of Living, Being and Knowing.

Author & Poet
SIMRAN's writing is unique; it is mystical truth-telling that touches your core. Through wisdom, poetry and powerful insights, she assist individuals in navigating the human journey, while remaining 'devoted to the journey of the soul'. Her writings are rich, and will deepen the presence and pause within anyone who reads her books. Her trilogy of Living, Being and Knowing is a set of soul manuals of great depth.

Soul Artist
SIMRAN's artwork comes out of pure meditation. She channels energies and insight organically, while also imbuing the works with empowering and healing energies. She taps into the superconscious and reveals images of the subconscious and higher mind of the collective and for individuals in custom work. All works are original pieces, primarily in acrylic.

Life Catalyst & Mentor
SIMRAN has numerous ways of supporting individuals so more people can access the work. In depth online courses will feel as SIMRAN by your side. The 11:11 Conscious Living Series is available via E-book or Audiobook with added support options. She only works personally with a few one-to-one Clients, assessed on a per person basis; and by request.